SOfun 1.76

Added list_reduction function.

SOfun 1.75

Not really sure whether this package warrants a NEWS section, so maybe I’ll just use this for any major changes.

Functions that have disappeared

Sometimes functoins disappear for a good reason. Here are some that have gone missing.

  1. appendMe: Like rbind() but adds the source in the process. Just use rbindlist from “data.table” with the idcol argument instead. Much better….
  2. concat.split.DT: Work in progress on an fread() approach to concat.split() from “splitstackshape”. Now part of “splitstackshape” (since V1.4.0 and above).
  3. expandRows: Expand the rows of a data.frame by a column in the data.frame or by a specified vector. Now a part of “splitstackshape”.

Functions that aren’t really missing

  1. ftable2df ftable2dt: Converts the output of ftable() to a data.table. NOTE: Changed from data.frame to data.table.