Shuffle the order of a vector around using natural language statements.

moveMe(invec, movecommand)



The input vector


The command that describes how you want to shuffle the vector. See Details.


A vector.


This can be a useful function for reordering the columns of a data.frame or data.table in a convenient manner. In such cases, the invec would be names(your_data_frame). When using data.tables, remember to use setcolorder to avoid copying.

The movecommand argument is specified in the form of "a, b before f". The positions to move are:

  • first: move the specified items to the first postion.

  • last: move the specified items to the last position.

  • before: move the specified items before the value mentioned.

  • after: move the specified items after the value mentioned.

Multiples are allowed:

  • Specify multiple values to be moved by separating them with a comma.

  • Chain multiple move commands by separating them with a semicolon.



Ananda Mahto


myvec <- letters[1:10] myvec
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j"
moveMe(myvec, "a last; b, e, g before d; c first; h after j")
#> [1] "c" "b" "e" "g" "d" "f" "i" "j" "h" "a"
x <- names(mtcars) x
#> [1] "mpg" "cyl" "disp" "hp" "drat" "wt" "qsec" "vs" "am" "gear" #> [11] "carb"
moveMe(x, "hp first; cyl after drat; vs, am, gear before mpg; wt last")
#> [1] "hp" "vs" "am" "gear" "mpg" "disp" "drat" "cyl" "qsec" "carb" #> [11] "wt"