This is a display method for data.frames to show ragged key/grouping variables, similar to ftable

ragged(indt, keys, blank = "")

# S3 method for ragged
print(x, ...)



The input data.frame or data.table


The variables to be used as keys or grouping variables


The character to print to show nesting. Defaults to "".


The object to be printed.


Not used.


A list with a "ragged" object and the sorted data.table. The custom print method displays the "ragged" result, but allows further use of data.table.


See also


Ananda Mahto


before= data.frame(C1= c(rep("A", 5), rep("L", 2)), C2= c("B", rep("E", 3), rep("K", 2), "L"), C3= c("C", "F", rep("H", 5)), C4= c("D", "G", "I", rep("J", 4)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ragged(before, c("C1", "C2"))
#> C1 C2 C3 C4 #> 1: A B C D #> 2: E F G #> 3: H I #> 4: H J #> 5: K H J #> 6: L K H J #> 7: L H J
ragged(before, names(before), ":")
#> C1 C2 C3 C4 #> 1: A B C D #> 2: : E F G #> 3: : : H I #> 4: : : : J #> 5: : K H J #> 6: L K H J #> 7: : L H J
ragged(head(ggplot2::diamonds, 30), c("cut", "color"), ":")[, mean(price), .(cut, color)]
#> cut color V1 #> 1: Fair E 337.0000 #> 2: Good E 327.0000 #> 3: : I 351.0000 #> 4: : J 344.0000 #> 5: Very Good D 357.0000 #> 6: : E 352.0000 #> 7: : F 357.0000 #> 8: : G 354.0000 #> 9: : H 342.6667 #> 10: : I 336.0000 #> 11: : J 350.0000 #> 12: Premium E 338.6667 #> 13: : F 342.0000 #> 14: : I 344.5000 #> 15: Ideal E 326.0000 #> 16: : I 348.0000 #> 17: : J 342.0000